Tuesday, August 19, 2008

10 things I can't live without

I pulled this idea from my friend Anisa's blog. The "game" goes like this: List 10 things that you can't live without, 10 things you CAN live without, and 10 things that you're really into right now. Forgetting the obvious (family, friends, religion, etc.), your 10 things are to be the little luxuries (or not) that make your world go 'round. For the first installment, here are the 10 things I can’t live without:

1. Diet Coke
It’s official; I’m an addict. I’ve cut down to only one or two a day...when I was at my peak, I would drink around five in a 24-hour period. I used to be a coffee drinker, but now, I only like things that are cold. At least it’s cheaper than those vanilla lattes from Starbucks.

2. A pet
I can’t live without Samantha, my cat, of course, but that’s too obvious for this list. Countless studies have shown that having a pet makes you a happier person, and I completely agree. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have a little furry creature to greet me every day when I walk in the door. Pets just make life better.

3. Excedrin Migraine
I’ve never been diagnosed with migraines, so I’m probably not supposed to use this stuff. I get headaches frequently, however, and Advil just doesn’t cut it anymore. Someone recommended this a few years ago when I had to leave work due to a crippling headache. It works wonders for me...I’d imagine it’s the combination of acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine that does the trick. I use it sparingly, but it really is my wonder drug.

4. Dustbuster/vacuum cleaner
My aforementioned cat, Sam, thinks it’s a fun game to kick as much litter as possible out of her cat box. And for you cat owners out there, you know how maddening it is to walk barefoot around your home and to have little pieces of litter stuck to your foot or in between your toes. I use my dustbuster just about every day for that purpose alone. It’s also really good at picking up dust that has made its home around the baseboards of each room.

I can’t not mention my vacuum cleaner here. It is one of the things I would grab if there was a fire at my apartment. I lucked upon it...my grandmother was in town for a week-long visit, and one thing on her to-do list was to find a good vacuum cleaner. My mom took her to the Oreck store here in Jackson, and Granny found just what she was looking for. Well, Granny is very particular, and when she got home, she realized that she preferred her old vacuum cleaner. That is how I happened upon the Oreck XL21 High Speed Upright Vacuum complete with a Hepa Celoc filter. Granny also purchased the lifetime warranty. Lucky, lucky me! I never understood the reason people invested in a good vacuum cleaner, but now I do. Put this on your birthday list, your Christmas list, or your wedding registry list...especially if you have pets.

5. Chapstick
I’ve tried them all, and I keep a tube in every possible place for those times when you just really need some chapstick. I honestly think a form of torture for me would be to take away my chapstick. There is nothing worse than having chapped lips. And when we do, it’s just human nature to lick our lips, which makes it worse. My favorite right now is Aveeno’s Intense Relief Medicated Therapy.

6. Bobbypins
I can’t stand having hair in my face. I really don’t know why I have long hair, because it’s always pinned back in some sort of fashion with bobbypins. Like chapstick, I take them everywhere and panic if I don’t have a few in my purse when they’re needed.

7. Magazines
I’ve read magazines for as long as I can remember, and they truly are a staple in my life. There’s just something about a magazine...the glossy pages, the fact that you can roll it up and stick it in your bag, the jolt you get when you see a new issue of your favorite one on the newsstands.

I worked as a teaching assistant for Samir Husni during my unfinished stint in journalism graduate school (that’s another story, another day). Working for him only furthered my love for magazines, even though part of the job included counting the ads in issues of 100% Beef and Mammazons (just use your imagination).

These days, my list of must-reads includes: Glamour, Lucky, In Style, US Weekly, People, Real Simple, O, and Better Homes and Gardens.

8. Concealer
I was blessed with the trademark Myers family dark under eye circles. My allergies only contribute to this, so I truly look like I have two black eyes when I wake up each morning. Thankfully, I discovered Bobbi Brown’s creamy concealer and sheer finish loose powder. It transforms me from raccoon to normal human being.

9. "The View"
I’ve watched ABC’s “The View” since its conception many moons ago. I’ve gotten to know all of the co-hosts, from Debbie to Lisa to Meredith, Star, and Rosie too. I can’t miss this show, and I TiVo it every day. It’s a great show because it combines a little bit of everything in a roundtable fashion...the topics discussed range from the presidential election to the best conditioner for your type of hair. And, because the women are so different, you get a plethora of views (clever, huh?).

10. My nail scrubber
I’m a little OCD about having clean hands and feet. And they really don’t feel clean unless I use my nail scrubber. Most people understand the clean hands thing, but the clean feet obsession takes it to a new level. Most days (but only once each day...I’m not that bad), I sit on the edge of my tub and clean my feet with warm soapy water and my nail scrubber. It makes me feel so much better. Please don’t judge me.


Anisa said...

love your list! and as a fellow cat-lover, i understand the dustbusting/vacuuming all too well!

Katie said...

I'm definitely copying this idea, yay.